About Me

Hi! My name is Sebastian Stead! I’m a photographer from Worcester, England. I LOVE everything about Photography….absolutely LOVE it! As far as I can remember I was always the type of kid that liked reading, but much preferred looking at the pictures in the book ( that probably still applies) but my love for photography really flourished when I got a disposable camera for Christmas when I was about 10 years old! (I still have the photographs I took with it in an album somewhere!)   So yeah, that’s a bit about me….aside from that, I really enjoy looking at other people’s work just as much as I love taking my own photos…so point me in the direction of your blog & I’ll have a browse! Thanks for visiting! 🙂




77 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Bonjour Sebastian,
    Keep the optimism and continue to express your talent for colors and shades. Your photographs are quite a refreshment! There are so many challenges… from color to sepia and monochromatic, black&white photographs.
    Bonne chance! Keep up the great work!


    • Thank you so much for all the kind words… And for taking the time to look at/ like my photos! I have a long way to go & and a lot to learn yet, but I find I’m leaning new things daily & having fun!… And that’s the way it should be I think! Thanks again! Followed.



  2. Thank you for the like on my photo “Where are the buffalo?” I have been snapping pictures for over 50 years now and hope to be doing so until the Good Lord calls me home. I have looked through your photographs and am duly impressed the aged eye you have at such a young age (to me anyway).

    Mark C.
    The Rural Iowegian


    • Ahhh thanks so much for your kind words! I absolutely love photography and have been snapping away for years, but have only started sharing my photos online in the last year! (I’ve been on this Blog for about 3 months!) 🙂 I hope to start a Photography Course this year to get to grips with a few things on the technical side, so that should be fun. It means alot to have such positive feedback from someone that’s been snapping for so long! Humbled. Thank you!


    • Thanks for the nice words! 🙂 Yep love it, I’m probably happiest when I’m out with my camera / editing, without trying to sound to cheesey. 😉 I’ve had a quick browse of your blog, It’s great! 😀


  3. So Sebastian, you decided to join the small clan of Uncle Spike followers, sometimes known as The Spikey’s….

    I really appreciate you wanting to become a new follower, after all, there are many many interesting and entertaining blogs out there

    Anyway, I hope you like my upcoming posts and if you get bored one day, maybe you’ll enjoy trawling through some of my older stuff too.I have added plenty of categories now to help readers. If you have any likes, dislikes or suggestions about my blog, by all means let me know, either through ‘comments’ or via email. Always welcome reader input 🙂

    Thanks again for your vote of confidence, and hope you have a great old day…



  4. Thank you Sebastian for stopping by my blog. I love your name (that is my 3 month old grandson’s name too) LOL! It is a very strong name! You are very talented. I will be following you. Best Wishes!


    • Haha that’s funny because my mum often reminds me of the fact that I have a “strong name” and she is glad she chose it for me. 🙂 I don’t know any other Sebastians so I works well for me 😉 thanks for taking the time to stop by, comment and follow. Your blog is a great read!


    • Thank you! Can say exactly the same about yours! Some absolutely amazing shots! Especially love the water droplet ones! – Perfect! Thanks for looking through my photos! 🙂


  5. Thanks so much for the link in my stock photo website, coming from someone with 11,000 hits, and more importantly such lovely photographs – I appreciate the serenity of your farm photos… Definitely following you, I have much to learn…


    • Thanks a lot for the compliments!! 🙂 Keep going with your photography! I’ve been on this site about 10 months now…and If you look back to my first photographs & my photos now, you’ll see the difference! Keep at it. 🙂


  6. I’m so glad you liked my post, so I got the chance to see your photography! Your work is incredible – so natural and beautiful. Hopefully with practice I’ll be able to get to your level someday!


  7. Thank you for the kind words. I am a total spaz when it comes to photography and believe me I tried. There is an art to it and that is a skill I do not possess. Sorry about your lap top, I understand your woes mine died a few months back and I was heartbroken. Everything I have written in the past eight years, with very few exceptions, was done on that laptop. It’s like saying goodbye to a dear friend. I hope your holidays are full of happiness and cheer!


    • I love it, I used to try and get a photo on here every day, but unfortuaneltly slowed down due to work etc!! I am almost up and running again laptop wise (post to come :D) but if I’m honest, my last one served me well, it lasted 8 years and I managed to get everything off it before it died! So it’s not all bad! Thanks for your comment, I hope you have a great Christmas!

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